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If you search Facebook for Gulf High School (or in fact most high schools) you will find at least two pages, one maintained by the school and the other automatically generated by Facebook using the Wikipedia article about the school.

The automatically generated GHS page is here. The page was created by Facebook using the Wikipedia article and the posts that appear there are those tagged to that page by Facebook users. It is identified as “Unofficial Page.” We have essentially no control over it.

The GHS Facebook page created by Gulf High School, and which we hope everyone will like, is here. It is updated daily by GHS personnel.

The auto-generated page has more “likes” than the page we maintain because it’s been around longer and shows up more favorably in some searches.

Facebook has these auto-generated pages for many places and institutions, with the initial content taken from Wikipedia. Even the Pithlachascotee River has its own auto-generated Facebook page (here).

You can find a permanent link to our Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr pages on our school web site in the right column under “Connect With Gulf High School!”

Flickr is a wonderful site for sharing photographs in high resolution. Unfortunately it is now blocked at school (but can be viewed at home). It’s blocked because Flickr is owned by Yahoo, which the district is required to block for technical reasons.
