(727) 774-3300

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Which administrator should get a pie in the face?

Voting will take place November 10th-19th in the office all day and cafeteria during lunches. To vote, drop any amount of money in that person’s jar. Whoever has the most money in their jar at the end wins! Whoever wins will get a pie in the face during World Fair....

PHSC Dual Enrollment News

Attention all PHSC Dual Enrollment Students: Seniors sign up for your classes Friday, November 20 ALL DAY Juniors sign up for your classes Monday, November 30 ALL DAY
Warnings issued for seatbelt violations

Warnings issued for seatbelt violations

The SADD Club conducted a seatbelt check this past week in the student parking lot as well as in the parent car loop. We issued 50 warnings for seatbelt violations. Everyone in a vehicle under the age of 18 is required to have their seatbelt on at all times and anyone...

October Students of the Month

The Gulf High School October Students of the Month are (left to right): Joshua McKeehan (9th), Kristof Cseh (10th), Charles Crose (11th), and Nicole Gillis (12th). The Students of the Month are nominated by their teachers and the final selection is made by a special...