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GHS obituary

Frances Matheny, who taught science at Gulf High teacher from 1971 to 1991, died on Feb. 19. She was 89 years old. Services will be at Dobies Funeral Home on Congress Ave. in New Port Richey at 3 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 27. (Photo from the 1988 yearbook.)

Thanks, Peyton!

The tennis girls wish all the best to Peyton for being an awesome trainer and taking care of all our athletes! She will be sadly missed but we wish her the best at her new campus! Much love Peyton from GHS Girls Tennis!!! Go Bucs!!

Track team news

From Coach Lofton: At the Early Bird Invitational in Clearwater on 2/17/16, the girls track team made a good showing and made a great deal of improvement and personal best for almost everyone on the team. Jasmine Jackson placed 1st in the Discus with a new personal...

Girls tennis news

Girls tennis coach Joseph Eggen reports: Courtney Corlett won #1 singles again — two in a row — and Dominique Kulak won her first ever Varsity singles tennis match!! All girls played great vs Hudson!