(727) 774-3300
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Homecoming Events Information

Homecoming Week is upon us! Below, you will find information for our dress up days, GHS Homecoming Parade (9/21/22), Football Game (9/23/22), and Dance (9/24/22). Please refer back to this page for any updates! Week at a Glance (HoCo 2022 poster) GHS Homecoming Parade...

Honoring Our GHS Alumni Football Game

Tonight, September 16th, will be a game night dedicated to our GHS Alumni! Please see the Buccaneer Alumni Bulletin for full details. Special Note: Parking is distributed around the property due to our ongoing construction. Please remember to be courteous and exhibit...

Bus Drivers & Transportations Staff Needed

As you are aware, there is a shortage of Transportation employees in Pasco County Schools, in our neighboring districts, and across the state and country. We know that many of you have experienced issues relating to our Transportation employee shortage. We apologize...