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Updates to Dress Code & Cell Phone/Device Use

Good afternoon, Bucs! Though we are several weeks away from the start of school,we are sharing information regarding Pasco County Schools policy for dress and appearance as well as updated usage rules for cell phones and devices. There are some changes from last year,...

Graduation Shout Outs

Because there was a mishap with the shout outs being displayed by USF staff running the AV portion of our ceremony, we are providing the link below so all may enjoy the messages. For anyone who purchased a shout out, you will receive a DVD as a keepsake. CLICK BELOW...

Important Info for Last Week of School

Next week will be our last week of classes for the school year. It’s a busy time but still a time for learning. Therefore, our expectations are: Students attend on time each day to each class. The the late bell rings at 7:10am – be here early! NO BACKPACKS...