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Two Parades to Celebrate Our Bucs

As we move to the end of the 2019-20 school year, we are pleased to announce two community parades to celebrate our Bucs! May 28 starting at 7pm (Download: GHS Car Parade May 28) This one is for our seniors who may wish to line up in their cars at the parking lot...

End of Year Check Out Plan

Good afternoon Bucs. All this week, we have students returning books, uniforms, computers, chargers and other merchandise borrowed from our school. The only students who may hold on to a school-issued computer and charger are those students who will be enrolled in...

Links To Pay Outstanding Senior Fees

Your senior class sponsors have been working hard to be sure all prospective graduates have the cap, gown, tassel, medallion, and other graduation items they need to conclude their high school experiences.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be distribution of caps &...