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NJROTC at Mitchell

Congratulations to the NJROTC cadets for coming in 3rd place at the Mitchell Mustang Stampede drill meet on Saturday. Three cadets earned individual medals in pushups and situps. They were Cadet Alexander, 1st place Female Situps, Cadet Clark, 2nd place Female Situps,...

GHS play

Here are two links to pictures showing scenes from the Friday night performance of I Never Saw Another Butterfly by the GHS Drama Department and Thespian Troupe #3840, directed by Mr. Washington. The play is wonderful! There are two more performances: Saturday (10/15)...

Buccaneers of the Month

The Gulf High School Buccaneers of the Month for September are Keri Richardson Damien Maske. This is a recognition for students who exhibit Buccaneer spirit and pride on a regular basis, or for students whom we recognize for random acts of kindness, exemplary...