(727) 774-3300

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Strasser family

Pictured here on the last teacher planning day (Aug. 21) are Gulf High School Assistant Principal Rob Strasser and his wife Jen and their children Preston and Carter, who are fraternal twins.
New staff members at GHS (updated 8/20)

New staff members at GHS (updated 8/20)

Because of retirements and new positions created, several new teachers will be joining our faculty at the start of the 2015-16 school year. Alexander Astone will be an administrative intern (one year only). He has taught for four years at Crews Lake Middle School and...

New head football coach

Coach Bruno Buonsanto, who is already our athletic director and girls basketball head coach, has been named the interim head football coach until the end of the season. Coach Messamore resigned his coaching position for health reasons. (Photo taken at the...