(727) 774-3300

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Gaming Academy trip to Artix

Eighty-three students in our Gaming Academy, accompanied by Stoneking, Boyle, Donlon, and Strasser, visited Artix Entertainment Co., an online gaming company in Odessa today (10/1). Some photos by Stoneking are on our Facebook page.

Girls golf

Two photos showing our girls golf team and coaches, taken last night (9/30) by Angela Goldstein. larger photo, larger photo
Good-bye to Mrs. Teeple-Judy

Good-bye to Mrs. Teeple-Judy

The staff at Gulf High said good-bye to Sue Teeple-Judy after school today (9/30). It’s her last day on the job after 17 years at Gulf, most recently running our front office. She is pictured with her husband Craig Judy, who formerly taught at Gulf and is now...

Freshmen needed for Day and Night Games

The Class of 2019 is still in need of many Freshmen to participate in the day and night games. Below is a list of positions we still need to fill: Day Games: Slip & Slide – 1 male Potato Sack Race- 2 males, 1 female Dizzy Bat – 2 males Obstacle Course...