(727) 774-3300

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Baby pictures for the yearbook

Baby pictures for the yearbook

Seniors – The last day to turn in a baby picture for the yearbook is Friday, December 6th. You can turn in the pictures to Yearbook Editor Abigail Raymond or email to ahalilic@pasco.k12.fl.us. See Mrs. Halilic in room 109 B with any questions.
Video – Pie in the face

Video – Pie in the face

To raise money for prom, students voted and donated to select which administrator should receive a pie in the face. Ms. Moon won the vote, but Mr. Page was a close second, and our principal, Ms. Davis, decided they both should get pies. The event happened during the...

Vote for Ms. Davis for Grand Marshal

For the second year, the West Pasco Chamber and Bright House Networks are honoring Pasco County Schools by making one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school principal a grand marshal at the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce Holiday Parade, on Saturday,...