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Festive Hat Contest

Staff members competed in the Festive Hat Contest after school today. The winner was Ms. Tongen, second from left. Her hat featured blinking lights, perhaps not apparent in the photo. larger picture
Science fair winners

Science fair winners

GHS Science Fair winners: Brianna Whittington, 2nd; Baine Willis, 3rd; Morgan Jehlen, 3rd; Callahan Andrews, 1st. Congratulations to these students, who will go on to the district science fair! A larger version of the group picture is here.
Thespians news

Thespians news

The following students received ratings of “excellent” at the District 14 Thespian Festival and will be competing at State: Miranda Lough — Solo Musical Emily Segeren — Duet Acting Megan Perlmutter — Duet Acting