(727) 774-3300

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Mr. González’s class

Here are two pictures from Mr. González’s 4th period math class today. He is holding an iPad Pro and Apple pencil which are connected to the TV wirelessly.

February Students of the Month

The February Gulf High School Students of the Month are Brittany Lavoie (10th), Abigail Jessup (9th), Jacob Wentz (12th), and Ann Marie Ravenscroft (11th). Jacob and Ann Marie are not pictured, as they are attending French and Spanish state competitions. Students of...

Meet our new head football coach

Come meet the new football coach Matt Kitchel this Saturday (3/12) at 11:30 here at Gulf High School in the Senior Picnic Area. Have some refreshments and lunch and mingle with some of the Alumni. Coach Matt will have some time to answer questions you may have of his...