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Bill Rutherford has been named the Gulf High School Teacher of the Year. His selection was announced at a faculty meeting after school on Thursday.

Mr. Rutherford has been the director of bands at Gulf High School since 1994. Under his leadership, numerous superior ratings have been awarded to the marching, concert, and jazz ensembles at Florida Bandmasters Association evaluations.

“Big R” graduated from Gulf High School in 1988. As a student at USF, Mr. Rutherford was a member of the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Brass Choir, Jazz Ensemble I and II, and Basketball Pep Band. He served one semester as principal trumpet for the USF Orchestra.

William Rutherford was born in Portsmouth, Virginia. His family moved to Pensacola when he was 6 months old and to New Port Richey when he was 7 years old. He and his wife Kelly have three children: Elizabeth, a member of the Buccaneer Band on flute and piccolo; Brittany, a member of the Gulf Middle School Bear band on trumpet; and Andrew, age 7, whose instrument, according to Mr. Rutherford, is yet to be determined.

The teacher of the year is selected each year by a vote of the faculty.

Recent Teachers of the Year

Dates represent the year chosen

1991-92 Doug Van Etten
1992-93 DeEtta Winslow
1993-94 Roswitha Timbrell
1994-95 Cathern Wildey
1995-96 Douglas Stobbs
1996-97 Christine McMillion
1997-98 Tanya Fuss
1998-99 Monique Lefebvre
1999-00 Margaret Peek
2000-01 Les Snyder
2001-02 Jan Ledman
2002-03 Tom Dale
2003-04 Douglas Stobbs
2004-05 Jeff Miller
2005-06 George Mayer
2006-07 Raymond Wysocki
2007-08 Anne Currelly
2008-09 Wanda McClellan
2009-10 Lizzette Nazario
2010-11 Linda Allan
2011-12 Bill Rutherford