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Walter Hilgart, who for many years was probably the most popular substitute teacher at Gulf, died yesterday (Oct. 30, 2016) at age 94. He was the oldest employee of the Pasco County school district. He was born on Oct. 5, 1922, and was almost exactly the same age as Gulf High School itself, which opened on Sept. 18, 1922. He had subbed at GHS beginning in 1988 and retired just a few years ago.

Mr. Hilgart subbed almost every day, at Gulf, Ridgewood, Anclote, and Fivay. He was a P-38 figher pilot in the Pacific during World War II. His father told him that when he was born (prematurely), he weighed 2 1/2 pounds and fit into a shoebox. A 2008 news story about Mr. Hilgart from Bay News 9 is here and a more recent story on Fox 13 is here. His obituary is here.