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Over the weekend, we learned that the governor ordered school buildings to remain closed through the end of the school year. The building may be closed, but Gulf High School is going strong through distance learning online using myLearning.

It is so critical that every student take learning very seriously. If you have been logging in and working on your courses each day, I applaud you. If you have not been doing your best to access lesson and complete your school work, it is NOT too late to start – Starting NOW assures you of success! Please do your best. We are preparing Progress Reports, so reach out to your teachers and get your excellent work submitted this week!

  • Log in to myLearning every day
  • Read the Announcements in each course for important ideas from the teachers
  • Check you regular Pasco student email AND the myLearning Inbox
  • Submit only your best work following all instructions
  • Academic honesty is expected of everyone – Make sure what you submit is your own authentic work
  • Parents: I urge you to make sure you have a log in to myStudent so you can see student grades, AND an Observer account in myLearning so you can track your student’s work. Written instructions are HERE. A YouTube help video is HERE.

Students have items in their lockers and we’ll reach out with a plan for retrieving your things as soon as we can. Right now, no one is permitted to come up to school.

Seniors: You have so many unanswered questions and we only have a few answers.

  • Graduation is still planned as scheduled
  • Prom is still planned as scheduled
  • If there are changes, we will let you know as soon as we can
  • Yearbooks will be shipped and we will communicate a plan for distribution as soon as we can
  • Other senior celebrations are being planned, though from a distance. We care about you and we are all thinking about you. I wish that this pandemic had not happened during your senior year!


Durante este fin de semana, el gobernador anunció que las escuelas deben quedar cerradas hasta el final del año escolar. El edificio si mismo está cerrada, sin embargo, el aprendizaje continúa en línea.

Es crítico que todos los estudiantes sean serios y trabajadores. Los que conectan con myLearning y hacen su trabajo, excelente. Los que no lo hacen, les animo que hagan todo lo que puedan para empezar a trabajar y entregar tareas. Es la semana de Progress Reports.

Estudiantes – Estudien bien las lecciones de myLearning y hagan su trabajo lo mejor que sea posible.

Padres – Uds. pueden seguir el progreso de su estudiante con un cuento de myStudent para ver notas y de myLearning Observer para ver el trabajo hecho día tras día. Instrucciones escritas se encuentran are AQUI. Un vídeo de YouTube se ve AQUI.

Seniors: Hay muchas preguntas y pocas respuestas.

En este momento la graduación y el baile prom quedan en el calendario como lo antes.

Celebraremos con Uds. en diversas maneras y les llamamos con detalles en las semanas siguientes.