(727) 774-3300

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Late yesterday afternoon, we became aware of a threatening statement written on a bathroom wall.

While it was vague, we are taking it seriously. I have spoken to district staff about my plan to limit unescorted access on campus today. We do not want to disrupt instruction or FSA testing and so we are implementing a modified controlled campus.

This means:

We conducted a sweep of the campus before students arrived

We will have more adult supervision when students arrive on campus

Classroom doors should be locked during class

No student should be allowed to leave the room without an escort. Please contact the front office (43310 or 43300) for an escort.

Regular instruction should continue during class time

PE classes will continue with special instructions to PE staff

Every staff member should be at their door during passing period

Please listen for announcements regarding dismissal

Please understand, safety is our primary concern. We are implementing these modified procedures in an abundance of caution due to the vague writing on the bathroom wall (which may have been there for some time). Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have concerns or hear any information. Please keep your keen listening ears on tomorrow. It is not my intent for you to make this a discussion point for students; however, they often discuss things adults could benefit from knowing.

Our administrative team will gather at the end of the day and review our status for the rest of the week.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Kim Davis