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Here are the results from the State Swimming Championship in Stuart on Saturday, Nov. 7.

We had two swimmers advance to States: Salliemae Blethroad (12) in the 100 Backstroke, and Manden Smith (11) in the 50 Freestyle and 100 Freestyle

Salliemae swam the Girls 100 Backstroke event achieving her PBR of 1:03.74. This was her first time advancing to States.

Manden Smith swam the 50 Freestyle in 21.13s and receive 1st place taking home the gold metal in the Boys 50yd Freestyle event. Manden also swam the 100 Freestyle in 46.81s and got 2nd place receiving the silver metal in the Boys 100yd Freestyle event. This was his first time ever receiving 1st and 2nd metals in his high school swimming career.

Information provided by coach Jasmin Stitt.
