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WHAT IS ESD? It’s a way to earn back grades and credits!

As a reminder, Extended School Day is being offered during Quarter 3. Your student was identified as being able to benefit greatly from this program in order to get and stay on-track for graduation. Please see the original message that was sent last Wednesday (copied below) for more information about ESD. If you would like your student to begin attending ESD, please fill out this quick form so our grade-level support teams can follow up with them.



GHS will be offering Extended School Day during Quarter 3. Your student has been identified by their grade-level team as being able to benefit significantly from this program in order to get themselves on-track for graduation. TO SIGN UP students just need to show up to the correct grade-level room after school for ESD and the teacher in that room will get them enrolled. They can begin attending as soon as tomorrow, January 13th. 

There is no transportation for ESD. Students must secure their own ride home. Snack will be provided at no cost each day for students in attendance.

ESD will run Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:35pm – 4:35pm (EXCEPT for Early Release days)

 **students who are also enrolled in co-enrolled should attend co-enrolled on T/TH and ESD on W until they have satisfied their requirements for co-enrolled. Co-enrolled begins in February.

Start date: Tuesday, January 11th

End date: Thursday, March 10th


       11th & 12th Grade: Room 242

       10th Grade: Room 225

       9th Grade: Room 228

What can students work on at ESD?

There are many different options for students who are attending ESD. Many will use the time to work on APEX, eSchool, and FLVS courses that they are enrolled in. However, this is not the only use of this time.

  • APEX, eSchool, FLVS courses
  • Work on current work from classes to stay caught up
  • Work on missing work from classes that may still be turned in per the teacher’s syllabus/policy
  • Work on missing work from classes after multiple absences (especially helpful with kids who end up on QI to get them caught up)
  • Complete real-time recovery assigned by the teacher
  • Complete alternative assignments assigned by teachers to recover standards and grades
  • Study hall time to complete work or use computers/wifi for assignments 

Please note that all missing work and alternative assignments/real-time recovery are assigned by the classroom teacher for that course. ESD is a place where students may work on these assignments, but students should be communicating with their teacher(s) to ensure the work they are doing will be counted for credit.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to one of the ESD team members.

Lead Teacher: Diana Krupyak (dloconti@pasco.k12.fl.us)

12th grade: Hakija Halilic (hhalilic@pasco.k12.fl.us) & Holly Askins (haskins@pasco.k12.fl.us)

11th grade: Elizabeth Diaz (ediaz@pasco.k12.fl.us) & Kathy Leeper (kleeper@pasco.k12.fl.us)

10th grade: Sharaya DeSousa (sdesousa@pasco.k12.fl.us) & Angela Cotney (acotney@pasco.k12.fl.us)

9th grade: Sean Eperjesi (seperjesi@pasco.k12.fl.us), Jason Messamore (jmessamo@pasco.k12.fl.us) & Beth Behner (ebehner@pasco.k12.fl.us)

Diana J. Krupyak

Assessment Coordinator

Student Government Association Advisor

Gulf High School
