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We have 218 seniors who have not sat for their senior photo. We have offered numerous dates this year already, but only have ONE date left. This is their LAST CHANCE to get their senior photo taken and be in the yearbook. We currently only have 5 seniors signed up for this date 🙁. If you could PLEASE help me out by speaking to the students on this list that you see during the day, I would greatly appreciate it. I know many of the seniors are online this year, but I did have them schedule this last session of portraits from 12 pm – 5 pm to try to accommodate more of them. Here is the info:
Date: December 2, 2020
Time: 12pm – 5pm
They also have the option to go to the studio for their pictures. They can set this up by calling (813)402-3500. They would need to do this before December 5th if they want to be in the yearbook. I have the link posted on their Class of 2021 myLearning page as well, but you may want to post it somewhere for them. 
2. The deadline for Senior Quotes is also approaching. These need to be submitted and paid for ($10) by December 18th. I am attaching the form here. 
​3. Senior Parking Spot painting is happening. We have only had a few students submit their applications and pay. The last day for painting is happening on Saturday, December 5th from 8 am – 5 pm. They must have their application submitted before this and have paid either with me or on Rycor through their myPascoConnect. I am attaching the application for this as well.