(727) 774-3300

All schools, programs, and activities will resume on Monday as normally scheduled, except for the West Pasco Education Academy, unless you are specifically notified otherwise. Learn more on our weather page.

For information about storm-related debris removal, Pasco County provided water and meals, and to report human services needs, please visit https://www.pascocountyfl.net/.

Select Page
On Wednesday, March 24 all Juniors will be taking the College Board SAT at no cost.  This assessment will not only support college entrance registration, earned scores may also meet graduation assessment requirements in ELA and Math.  All Juniors are expected to take advantage of this opportunity.
All Juniors, Traditional and MSO, are scheduled to take the exam and should report to the GHS Gym by 7:15 am on Wednesday, March 24.  Assigned testing rosters/rooms will be posted. Please bring two  #2 pencils and a basic calculator.  Review the link for acceptable calculators.  Items will be provided if necessary.
Interested Juniors may also participate in a free SAT Bootcamp on Tuesday, March 23 after school from 2:15-4:00. This session will expose students to SAT question types and test taking strategies for success.  If you are interested in participating, you must complete the reservation link below for enrollment.  Transportation will NOT be provided.  First come, first served basis.  Only 60 spaces available.  
All Juniors will be completing a “pre-administration” questionnaire prior to testing. Questions require students to consider post-secondary plans and college interests.  To be prepared to answer questions, we encourage students to review the questionnaire link attached prior to returning to school on March 23.   Most Traditional students will complete the questionnaire on Tuesday, March 23. MSO students and missed students will complete the questionnaire on test day.
Acceptable Calculators:
SAT Questionnaire: