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Gulf High School is preparing for Semester II, scheduled to begin on January 6, 2021. In order to properly allocate all resources, we are requiring families to notify the school by November 13, 2020 if they want to change their student’s educational option for Semester II.  Requests received after this date will be placed on a waiting list and may only be changed if space becomes available.

Only parents or legal guardians are allowed to complete the change request form.  Student requests will not be processed.  One form should be submitted for each student in the household that attends GHS.

The school may not be able to process an additional request to change the option in this form after it has been submitted. That is, only submit your form if you are 100% certain of your request.

Changing your option will result in the student’s schedule being adjusted between the learning options of Traditional On-Campus and mySchool Online. This includes potential changes to which teachers they have, which periods these take place, and possible changes in courses from Semester I. 

IMPORTANT: Families that are requesting to be changed to mySchool Online must have internet access and a device for their student.  Gulf High School no longer has enough loaner devices for students.

Parents/guardians may access the Change My Learning Option Semester II form here.

Please contact your student’s School Counselor if you have any questions. The Office for Student Services’ telephone number is 727-774-3330.