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Find the registration paperwork here. Registration requirementsSchool Boundaries


IN-COUNTY OR IN-STATE TRANSFER STUDENTS Call or email the registrar for all necessary forms. Registrar: Wendy Densmore GHSRecords@pasco.k12.fl.us  727-774-3300

All paperwork must be IN HAND in order to register. Students may not register themselves. A parent or guardian must accompany everyone. (unless over the age of 18). Students will meet with a Guidance Counselor for scheduling.

Below is a list of what will be needed to register your student:

  • completed registration packet transcript and withdrawal form from the previous school
  • immunization records
  • social security card
  • birth certificate
  • physical (within the last 12 months and signed by a physician) REQUIRED  proof of residency in Gulf High School boundary.

Acceptable forms of proof include the following: current utility bill (electric or water) Current lease (must show name and street address)

NOTE: Drivers’ license and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable forms of proof. If you are not in Gulf HS. District a school choice application form must be submitted and APPROVED before registering. Special Education Students: -if a student has been enrolled previously in a special education class the parent/guardian must produce the most current IEP or 504 paperwork.


Call or email the registrar for all necessary forms. Registrar: GHSRecords@pasco.k12.fl.us  727-774-3300

All paperwork must be IN HAND in order to register. Students may not register themselves. A parent or guardian must accompany everyone. (unless over the age of 18). Students will meet with a Guidance Counselor for scheduling.

Below is a list of what will be needed to register your student:

  • completed registration packet transcript and withdrawal form from the previous school
  • immunization records REQUIRED
  • social security card
  • birth certificate physical (within the last 12 months and signed by a physician) REQUIRED
  • proof of residency in Gulf High School boundary.

Acceptable forms of proof include the following: current utility bill (electric or water) Current lease (must show name and street address)

NOTE: Drivers’ license and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable forms of proof. If you are not in Gulf HS. District a school choice application form must be submitted and APPROVED before registering.


Special Education students

Special Education Students: -if a student has been enrolled previously in a special education class the parent/guardian must produce the most current IEP or 504 paperwork. Contact the Registrar with additional questions. GHSRecords@pasco.k12.fl.us 727-774-3300