(727) 774-3300

All schools, programs, and activities will resume on Monday as normally scheduled, except for the West Pasco Education Academy, unless you are specifically notified otherwise. Learn more on our weather page.

For information about storm-related debris removal, Pasco County provided water and meals, and to report human services needs, please visit https://www.pascocountyfl.net/.

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This painting in Mr. Miller’s room, showing part of Castle Neuschwanstein at Schwangau, Bavaria, Germany, has been there for at least 24 years. It was painted by Dr. Lewis Hollo, a substitute teacher at Gulf who grew up overseas and spoke several languages and often substituted for foreign language teachers.

Dr. Hollo was born in Hungary in 1908. His first teaching job was in 1939 in Austria-Hungary. He spoke German, Hungarian, French, Italian, Spanish, and English. Ms. Winslow described him as “a true Renaissance man.” He died in Holiday in 1992.

When he painted the castle, the classroom belonged to German teacher Roswitha Timbrell. The classroom walls have been repainted several times, but the mural survives.