(727) 774-3300

All schools, programs, and activities will resume on Monday as normally scheduled, except for the West Pasco Education Academy, unless you are specifically notified otherwise. Learn more on our weather page.

For information about storm-related debris removal, Pasco County provided water and meals, and to report human services needs, please visit https://www.pascocountyfl.net/.

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A plaque was presented by Dr. Mike Radice and his wife Netta Radice on behalf of Vice Admiral James J. Malloy USN (Ret).  Dr. Radice served with VADM Malloy in 1988 and have been friends ever since.  He was the Master of Ceremonies for VADM Malloy’s retirement ceremony on 15 September at the United States Naval Academy.  The plaque was presented to our NJROTC unit on behalf of our good friend VADM James J. Malloy USN (Ret).  He has been supporting our unit with his presence, coins, hats, and Navy memorabilia since 2014.  Mrs. Radice owns her own design business called Netta Radice Design and she designed the plaque as well as had it manufactured.  She also donated $500 to the NJROTC program.  The plaque is a dedication to VADM Malloy and his support of our unit and will be mounted in one of the NJROTC classrooms.