Lynn Goettel, a Gulf High School graduate, has been named our new school nurse. She replaces Susan Girardi, who retired at the end of the previous school year.
Mrs. Goettel is an R. N. She has been a pediatric nurse for 30 years locally, and she has been in the Pasco County school system for about 18 years. She will be at Gulf on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and most Fridays. She is also assigned to Mittye P. Locke Elementary School.
Mrs. Goettel was born in Chicago. She is an alumna of Gulf High School. She was in the GCHS Class of 1974, although she actually graduated in 1973. (At that time the school was called Gulf Comprehensive High School.) She attended the Gordon Keller School of Nursing and USF. Her husband Mark is a local attorney. They have a son who graduated from Gulf in 2004 and a daughter in the seventh grade at Gulf Middle School.