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May 5, 2020

Dear Parents and Families,

The last day of school is Wednesday, May 27, 2020.  With just a few weeks remaining, we wish to share important deadlines regarding distance learning submissions as well as our school’s approach to helping all students finish the year strong.

Teachers have spent Quarter 4 engaging with students through the myLearning platform. They have interacted through discussion posts, email messages, and comments on student work. They have input grades and offered specific feedback to guide students in improving and resubmitting assignments for a chance to earn a higher grade. And while they may have input “0” for work missing or not submitted, every student may still turn in work to be scored for credit.

Now, at the start of May, we have encouraged our teachers to look at their content and prioritize objectives that need to be taught before school ends. Our intent is to empower teachers to ensure that a quality education for students happens between now and the time that coursework is due. Having grace, compassion and flexibility during distance learning means that we allow students to learn at their own pace, give them multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning, and the ability to turn in submissions additional times to show proficiency.

It is our aim to create the conditions over the final weeks of school up to May 27, 2020 that allow students to finish strong and experience success in Distance Learning.

Please make note of these submission deadlines

  • 12th graders must submit by 11:59PM on May 22
  • Students in grades 9 to 11 have a deadline of May 27 at 11:59PM

Because of our extended Spring Break, there is more content in each course than weeks left in the school year. Your student’s teachers have prioritized curriculum to indicate which activities are to be completed by submission deadlines so students may address critical content. CTE teachers will assure the core learning for academy, program, and certification requirements. AP, IB, and Cambridge teachers will make certain that assignments meet the requirements of those organizations. ACCESS Points teachers will continue to use these weeks to complete essential learning with students by remaining consistent with the provision of services to students based on their IEP.

Critical content will remain open in the gradebook for student submissions. Non-prioritized content may be given “excused” status by teachers. Students will not be responsible for anything marked “excused.” All other assignments in course segments, weeks, or modules must be completed to the best of their ability before the course deadline. This refers to missing, zeroes, or scores the student wishes to improve. Students can easily see this by clicking on “Grades” in myLearning. All teachers are committed to our students’ learning through the end of the school year and will help them in the completion of and success with coursework.


Jeff Morgenstein, Principal