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This is a very important message for anyone doing mySchool Online, anyone on quarantine at home, and especially those who just checked out devices recently. This message is to make very clear our expectations for online learning.

What is expected for mySchool Online students?

  • Every day and every period – Log in in this order: myPascoConnect; Office 365; myLearning (Canvas).
  • Find the Zoom link that your teacher posted for your class. It is your virtual classroom. REQUIRED.
  • Be present with camera on and your correct name showing. Dress appropriately for being at school.
  • Be engaged with the lesson. You are to remain attentive, participate, and do the work your teacher directs.
  • Be respectful to the teacher and other students. This means taking the class very seriously, staying on the Zoom, being on camera* to interact with your class and not wandering away or muting and becoming distracted.
  • Stay on top of your work and do your very best. Reach out to your teacher by email for help or clarification.

You are to attend your classes online on Zoom every single day each period. This is required. It is the same as attending on campus. Zooming in online = Walking into the classroom and taking your assigned seat.

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: If you are home, please check that your student is actively participating in classes. They’ll do better when they know you are verifying their attendance and work. Be on the look out for distractions such as texting or other apps that have nothing to do with learning. 

Download GHS mySchool Online Quick Start and Expectations  for additional ideas for students and parents/guardians.

What should I expect for a mySchool Online class if my teacher is absent?

When a teacher is absent, s/he will post instructions on your myLearning page. It will likely be an Announcement. There will be instructions for you about responding to the Announcement or uploading work for that day’s class. This is how you can prove you “participated / attended class” that day. Use the time to do the work assigned to you. Special Note: This is only for when the teacher is absent and no Zoom is being held that day. Every other day, you must Zoom to be in class.

What do I do if I was waiting for a device and just got one checked out this week?

Follow all of the above procedures, especially reaching out to your teacher by email. Your teacher may set up a call or Zoom with you so the two of you can discuss the timeline for getting caught up. Most important is being a positive, active participant in your learning and growth. Remember: Your teachers want to see you succeed. Work together and stay positive. Make up past work and do your very best to show what you are learning. It really matters!

What do I do if I got sent home to quarantine? (Download the Student Quarantine Letter and see page 2.)

If you have a computer of your own, log in every day to myLearning and follow along with the modules. You can also email your teachers for guidance. Your teachers have been alerted that you are out on quarantine and they don’t want you to get off track. If you are feeling well, please use these days as a way to get caught up, stay on track, and even to get ahead on some bigger projects.

If you are quarantined and do not have a computer, we are looking to find more to check out. Please contact the front office to get on a list. If you have a smaller device (tablet or smartphone), do what you can to stay on track. There is a Canvas Student app for iOS and Android. Stay in touch with your teachers for guidance.

Bring the computer and charger back to us when you’re done quarantining please. 

All of us at Gulf High School want all students to succeed. You must log in and stay in touch with your teachers. They are trying very hard to coordinate your learning and they care about you. Be an active part of building your future with us!

Thank you.


*We understand that there may be a severe situation where a student cannot remain on camera throughout the class. This is rare and should be communicated to the teacher. Documentation may be requested and it may be referred to administration or the school nurse for review.