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Brian Singletary, who started his career with Publix in 1962 and has been with the Publix store in New Port Richey since it opened in 1965, was honored by Gulf High School on Dec. 19 for his long-time support of our school. Mr. Singletary has hired countless Gulf students, provided food for Gulf High events, and has attended probably more Gulf football games than anyone around.

In the photos below, Mr. Singletary is presented a plaque by Ms. Butler and a student from the HCA program and another plaque by Ms. Tongen, our Job Placement Transition Specialist. Mr. Singletary has hired numerous students in a special program in which Ms. Tongen teaches. Mrs. Davis also thanked Mr. Singletary, and Mr. Barrus, a surprise speaker, revealed that as a Gulf High student and football player in need of money many years ago, he was hired at Publix by Mr. Singletary.

Mr. Singletary is retiring as manager of the Southgate Publix. He has revealed on several occasions that, although he is a Tarpon Springs High School graduate, he does in fact bleed green.

A 2008 column by Bill Stevens about Mr. Singletary is here and a 2013 column is here.






