In exactly one week we will be hosting our annual GHS Open House. This is a great opportunity for parents to get acquainted with their student’s school, teachers and be introduced to all of the available resources we offer. We will be showcasing our various clubs, athletic programs and terrific opportunities Gulf High has to offer. We ask for your attendance at this event, which will be held from 5:30-7:15 p.m. The bell schedule will begin at 6 p.m., with parents and students walking their normal schedule in abbreviated sessions. We encourage students to bring their parents. Each student in attendance will receive a complimentary ticket to an upcoming athletic event. In addition, General Athletics will be holding a fundraiser for parents and students in the cafeteria. Chef Bruno will have pizza and beverages for purchase from 5:30-6. This will also be the time parents can meet the sponsors of our clubs, as well as the coaches of our many sports. Open House 2017 parent flyer