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Beginning in January, our schools will be implementing a two-hour early release day every month. Each of the four early release days (see schedule below) will fall on a Wednesday. There will be no early release day in May.

On each of the early release days, students will be released two hours early. The bell times, including the early release times for each school, can be found here.

The early release days, which were implemented for the first time last school year, provide teachers with an opportunity to complete professional development and experience training that will help increase effective instruction and ultimately will benefit students.

Students who are registered in the district’s PLACE program will be able to stay the extra two hours with no additional charges. School buses will operate two hours earlier during early release days. The routes and bus stops will not change.

The early release days are as follows. All are on Wednesdays:

January 13

February 3

March 3

April 7