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This is important information related to your student’s high school success. As you know, students must earn a full set of credits across academic and elective classes to be awarded their high school diploma. Therefore, it is critical that parents, students, and teachers remain in communication about school work and progress. We’ll be issuing progress reports in the coming week as we make our way through first quarter. Please be sure your student is doing school work each day. If attending on campus, ask to see your student’s assignments from the classroom and from myLearning. If attending through mySchool Online, make sure your student is logging in every day, every period. mySchool Online students must log in to the Zoom sessions and myLearning work with the class. You can monitor grades and myLearning with parent accounts.

As our superintendent, Mr. Browning, announced in his video, only through a continuity of learning will your student do best. And because students earn credits one semester at a time in high school, this week will be the last time this semester that we will offer program changes between Traditional On-campus learning and mySchool Online. Seeing their learning through to the end of the semester is the best way to make sure a student can earn credits for graduation.

We have accepted requests during the past weeks and are making those changes now. Because of the number of people asking to go to mySchool Online, we are switching several sections of classes and others are being made into lab classes with learners logged in on Zoom. Students should check myStudent daily to see if changes have occurred. Otherwise, they must follow their current schedule until that time.

Here’s the important part about changes: If a parent wants to change program types, the last day to do so will be this Friday, September 11th, at 2pm.

If you’ve already made your change request, we have it in our system and we’re working on it. You do NOT need to contact us again. BUT if you still wish a change and have not yet contacted the school, you must phone us at (727) 774-3300 before 2pm Friday. And if you are asking to change to mySchool Online, you’ll be asked if you have a computer and internet service. We are still working to make more available to families and there may be a short delay.

Let’s finish the first semester #gulfhighschoolstrong and we can revisit in December when we consider requests for second semester. Thank you.

Para hacer cambios entre estudios tradicionales y mySchool Online, favor de llamar a la escuela (727) 774-3300 antes de las 2pm este viernes.
Si Ud. todavía nos llamó para indicar la necesidad de un cambio, no es necesario llamar de nuevo. Hacemos los cambios durante los próximos días. Es importante que los estudiantes verifiquen su horario en myStudent para ver lo más actual. Y ahora, no vamos a hacer cambios hasta el principio del nuevo semestre. Es porque los créditos se ganan semestre por semestre. Para aprovechar de sus clases, los estudiantes necesitan un continuo de aprendizaje durante el semestre entero. Gracias.