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Parents – we need your input!

This message is for all Gulf High School parents or guardians: We want your input!       Este mensaje es para todos los padres o tutores legales de estudiantes de Gulf High School. Deseamos sus opiniones! Please click this link to respond to our survey. This will...

Please everyone take a second to apply.

This is a reminder to submit your household’s application to be considered for the Free & Reduced Price Meal Program. While all students are receiving free breakfast and lunch this year, being properly approved for the program helps guarantee that we will be...

This weeks Pass the Buc

Today Buc has been passed to Mrs. McClellan from Officer Gee. He gave Buc to Mrs. McClellan because they have recently started talking and he values her outlook on teaching in today’s society! 💚

Pasco County Assistance

Pasco County Offers More Assistance Through Pasco H.E.A.R.T. ~~First-come, first-served opportunity to help approximately 500 customers~~ PASCO COUNTY, FL  —-  The Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is pleased to offer the new Pasco Helping with Emergency...