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GHS 2022-2023 Outstanding Senior

GHS 2022-2023 Outstanding Senior

Congratulations to Elvira Ramic for being selected as the 2022-2023 Outstanding Senior for Gulf High School! Elvira is a great example of the amazing students we have here at GHS! She will now move on to the District level and compete amongst outstanding seniors from...

SPC at GHS Tomorrow!

St Petersburg College will be on campus tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4. Location: CRC During your lunch (bring your lunch) If you are planning to attend SPC in the Fall of 2023, Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Announcement – Tropical Storm/Hurricane Ian

Per Pasco County Schools: Due to the current forecast for Tropical Storm Ian, the plan for Pasco County Schools is as follows: Schools and offices will be open on Monday. Schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. This includes PLACE, ASEP, all after...