(727) 774-3300

IMPORTANT STORM INFORMATION! Schools will be open on Wednesday, September 25, but all activities and events are canceled except for before-and-after-school PLACE/ASEP programs. District Offices and Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, September 26, AND FRIDAY, September 27, including after school programs, ASEP, and PLACE. We encourage families and employees to take the necessary precautions based on their specific circumstances and recognize that individuals may need to make their own choices regarding safety and preparedness. More information is available on our WEATHER page.

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It is mandatory testing time at school! All students must attend as scheduled.

Since last week when our juniors began taking their Cambridge (AICE) English General Paper Exams, we have been in full testing mode. This week, our English classes have been taking state FAST exams and more are coming up depending upon what a student’s courses are. We will have English/Reading, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, US History, and Civics Literacy. In addition, there are Advanced Placement (AP) exams for the courses our students take, International Baccalaureate (IB) exams for diploma and coursework students, and CTE exams for industry certifications.  Further, students take district finals in all other classes. 

Students MUST attend all scheduled testing in order to meet course requirements and graduation requirements. There are no exemptions as we may have seen during the pandemic. All testing is required and can be the factor that leads to graduating or not! Students may NOT opt out and must arrive on time, stay for the full exam, and have all electronics off and put away. 

We need families’ help to make sure all student attend and do their very best work on all state, AP, IB, and CTE exams. Testing schedules and locations are available at school by QR code found in every classroom.