(727) 774-3300

All schools, programs, and activities will resume on Monday as normally scheduled, except for the West Pasco Education Academy, unless you are specifically notified otherwise. Learn more on our weather page.

For information about storm-related debris removal, Pasco County provided water and meals, and to report human services needs, please visit https://www.pascocountyfl.net/.

Select Page

Dear Parent/Guardian of 9th – 11th grade students:

As you know, Gulf High School is committed to fostering the highest-quality learning experience for its students. As one example of this commitment, the district has partnered with Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS), a non-profit education organization, to examine and develop the learning culture within our schools and to develop strategies to increase student participation in challenging high school coursework.

To support these goals, we will be encouraging students in grades 9 through 11, to participate in a brief survey sometime between November 11th through December 2nd. Survey questions will address students’ views on their coursework, their school experience, and the ways in which our school supports their educational goals. Results will only be used to inform and improve academic supports and advanced coursework placement for students.

For your security, all confidential records provided by the district are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and to any state law student confidentiality provisions. EOS and Pasco County Schools will ensure that in the course of the work, confidential information of any individual student or parent will not be accessed by anyone other than district personnel and EOS personnel performing services for the district.

We foresee only positive benefits for your student(s) and are excited to gather data that will enable us to better prepare all students to succeed. It is the right of the parent and/or guardian to request to exempt their student from the EOS survey. At the beginning of the school year, parents provided their selection for EOS survey on the consent form located in the myStudent Parent Portal. Please review your selection and ensure it is correct, if it is incorrect, please make the changes necessary in the myStudent Parent Portal.