(727) 774-3300

IMPORTANT STORM INFORMATION! Schools will be open on Wednesday, September 25, but all activities and events are canceled except for before-and-after-school PLACE/ASEP programs. District Offices and Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, September 26, AND FRIDAY, September 27, including after school programs, ASEP, and PLACE. We encourage families and employees to take the necessary precautions based on their specific circumstances and recognize that individuals may need to make their own choices regarding safety and preparedness. More information is available on our WEATHER page.

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On Monday March 7, the student parking lot along the stadium will be closed for the construction of our new school building.

  • No one may park in the lot in back of our campus.
  • All gates will be LOCKED along Madison St and Cecelia.
  • Parents must use the FRONT CAR LOOP for drop off or pick up.

Starting Monday, students will park at the practice field along George Street. (Download above Student Parking Map)

  • You will enter a new driveway on George Street that is halfway between Cecelia and School Road.
  • Parking spaces are marked out clearly.
  • You will then walk along the baseball field by the 300 building to the pathway in back of school.
  • The spaces along the baseball outfield fence line are RESERVED FOR SENIORS.


  • No student may park a vehicle anywhere else on campus or the street.
  • Only vehicles with a current student parking permit and hangtag are permitted on campus.
  • If you are bringing a vehicle to campus and you do not have a hangtag and permit, you must see Officer Gee to finalize this.
  • Vehicles without a valid permit will be subject to ticketing and towing.


  • As always, Gulf High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus at any time during the school day unless signed out through the front office by a parent or guardian.
  • No one may “drop off” items to student unless bringing them to the front office. This includes delivery services. Do not order deliveries – they will be sent away.
  • Students must be in class on-time according to their schedule of classes.
  • Students at lunch must be in the cafeteria or patio area and not hanging at at vending or bathrooms.
  • No wandering, no going to the back of the building or other areas, and no going to vehicles at any time whatsoever.
  • You will receive a referral with consequences if you violate these long-standing requirements.

Once Again regarding parking: The student parking lot by the stadium is closed starting Monday. Park in the new lot at the practice field by entering from George Street.