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To all Gulf High School Parents and Guardians:

Please be our partner in the success of your students by checking their grades and attendance. With an account to our information portal called myStudent, families can see students’ grades, whether they are on-time or late to class, transportation routes, and a range of other things in the life of school.

1st Quarter report cards are released on October 26th. Make sure your account is set up now!

  • We recommend sitting down with your student once a week to go over assignments, grades, and attendance.
  • If work is missing, create a plan for your student to complete make up work.
  • More importantly, counsel your student about doing excellent work every time and turning it in on-time.
Click HERE to register for a new account or to add another student to your account.
Instrucciones – en español 

Click HERE to view a video on how to create a parent portal account.

You can even update your student’s Emergency Card information: