(727) 774-3300

All schools, programs, and activities will resume on Monday as normally scheduled, except for the West Pasco Education Academy, unless you are specifically notified otherwise. Learn more on our weather page.

For information about storm-related debris removal, Pasco County provided water and meals, and to report human services needs, please visit https://www.pascocountyfl.net/.

Select Page

Please check this guide to be sure all your log ins are working for Monday morning. There will be limited ability for staff to provide technical support once the day begins. Click to download this one-page guide and see our earlier posts for more ideas. School starts at 7:25am – that’s the late bell and everyone should be inside their 1st period class or fully logged in the Zoom that begins your day.

Best to be early on Zoom – aim for 7:20am.

On campus students – Grab and Go breakfast starts at 7:10am. Get your breakfast and head into your 1st period classroom. Eat, put your mask back on right away, throw out your trash. Keep the room clean and be respectful of your teacher, the custodians, and one another.