GHS Title I Parent & Family Input Meeting 2021-2022

GHS Title I Parent & Family Input Meeting 2021-2022

This page has been designed to share information with our families - - - but more importantly, to GET YOUR INPUT about our school's efforts to connect with families.


*Review our GHS Parent and Family Engagement Plan from the 2021-22 school year
*Review the GHS School and Family Compact from the 2021-22 school year
*Provide us your input about the following items so we can use your ideas to make improvement for next year!

--The GHS Parent and Family Engagement Plan
--The GHS School and Family Compact
--Suggestions on how we can better use our Title I funds next year to support your student and family
--Tell us about any barriers to parent and family participation at school
--Suggest changes you'd like to see us implement here at GHS
--Tell us how we can better help you at home to help your student to learn and achieve

Your input matters! We can accomplish great things together!